Check out the adventure best for you
For all trips, the boat comes well equipped with all the top gear from Penn, Shimano, Diawa, and Lindgren Pitman!!
4 Hour Reef/Wreck Charter (Am/Pm)
4 hour option is great trip to get out to the reef for a blast! you can target yellowtail snapper, grouper, amberjack, african pompano, mutton snapper, kingfish and many other bottom species. Certain times of the year, you will be able to target various pelagics around the wrecks and reefs such as sailfish, wahoo, blackfin tuna and mahi! Great option for families, beginner anglers, and kids to have a blast! All fish caught and kept onboard will cleaned and bagged for you to enjoy a fantastica meal!

6 Hour Offshore/Reef Charter
Want to go a little farther? This option allows for more time on the water and to venture out farther offshore to target different species such as mahi ,tuna, wahoo. Now going offshore you can incorporate deep dropping in 400+ feet of water for various snappers, tilefish and, grouper species! With multiple options, fishing can either take place offshore, the reef, or both! All angler levels and age groups will love this option and be able to catch the fish they have been chasing!!
8 Hour Offshore/Reef Charter
This 8 hour trip experience will allow you to get the most out of your trip! Most time on the water to really put in the time to either target specific fish or to fill the box full of fish! Typical day starts heading offshore trolling, deep dropping, livebaiting then making our way back in to finish a great day on the reef and add some more meat for the table. Great for families, kids, and all angler levels. All fish are cleaned and bagged for you to take home to the table!

10 Hour Daytime Swordfish Charter
Look to enjoy one of the hardest fighting, sought after trophy fish in the ocean. Then you need to go swordfishing!! Swordfishing takes place 30 miles offshore to the ledge for a chance at the catch of a lifetime. Using 2 rods, a tip rod and a buoy rod, most trips are done with electric reels due to the depths we fish (1400-2000 ft). The option to hand crank is always available at your request. Swordfishing takes quite the patience as you may get multiple bites or just one bite all day. Once the bite shows up, its game on. On the run out to the ledge, you will also have a chance to catch other species depending on the time of year such as mahi or tunas. Even deep dropping for other bottom species if needed. If you are looking to chase a trophy fish, then swordfishing is for you!!